Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A Little Taste of Summer

Summer is probably our favourite time of year! We always get so excited, having very high expectations every year that the weather is going to be unbelievable and often get let down a bagful. It is typical Irish weather for this to happen so I think we really only have ourselves to blame, if come the end of summer we are disappointed with our time off! 

This year, we had planned to go on a holiday, a girls holiday, for a week or two, which turned into us attempting to plan a summer abroad on a working holiday. However, it pretty much completely fell through. I think now, it is only really hitting us how much we would love to be jetting off especially seeing so many people leaving for America, etc.

Seeing as we are not doing any of those things we had hoped, we really just have to make the most of the summer from home! We have talked about weekends away to moving out of home and living together in our own house. We are working off a pretty tight budget so not everything we have talked about will be happening but we think it is definitely good to plan. We are hoping to get jobs for the summer, just part time, so we have money to fulfill some of these plans. I (Lauren) am hoping to get back to college in September which is going to cost quite a bit but I don't want this to hold me back from doing really anything this summer. 

We live in a really small, rural area and complain that we never have anything to do, as I am sure most people do if they live in any kind of similar area. Only recently, when we went on our little 'castle hunting' adventure (which we blogged about on here) did we realise that there is probably a lot more to do than we think. So many people come from all over Ireland to visit Donegal and the majority of these touristy places, we probably have never actually been to. This summer is pretty much the perfect opportunity for us explore a little more of our area.

Saying that, we aren't just planning to say within 'the hills of donegal' (little taste of lifestyle around here) the whole summer. We do hope to go a bit further than that! We actually recently discovered the Harry Potter Studios in London and have made it our mission to go to it! Literally never heard of this place until recently, a lot of the youtubers we watch visited it. We both absolutely love Harry Potter as do our friends so we think it would be a really exciting experience to travel to London for a few days and even explore a bit of London as well. Anna has been to London before and loved it so I'm pretty sure we all would! 

As I said, we realize we won't get to do everything we have talked about but even if we do a few of those things we will be happy! Other summers, we did simple things like going to the beach or even local gigs and those days are really enjoyable! You don't have to be travelling the world to enjoy the summer. Obviously, we would love to, but we still have plenty of time for that so we won't get too upset that now, at this very minute, isn't our chance. As my granny likes to say 'Whatevers meant for ye won't pass ye' haha

We will be spending a lot of time together this summer and have already planned a few exciting blog posts, so even those little things are something to look forward to!

Make the most of the summer  



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